Sunday, October 24, 2010

Housecleaning and De-cluttering Improves Emotional and Physical Health

Today's Guest Post ~Written By Josanne Anthony

As most of you know, I have just recently started to do topics on Cleaning and Laundry Tips. I'm no expert. So I thought it would be nice to actually have an article written by someone who is.  This article is all about housecleaning and De-cluttering. Written By josanne Anthony. Please read the following article and then take a few moments to visit the links to her pages below. Thank You☺

Housecleaning and De-cluttering Improves Emotional and Physical Health
By Josanne Anthony

Housecleaning is one of those mundane jobs we all do. Take a deep breath, get the tools out, and enjoy the benefits of an orderly, cleaner home!

Polishes help trap dust on your cleaning cloth. Removing dust and vaccuuming will reduce dust mites and pet dander, giving you cleaner air to breathe in your home. Toss those sheets in the wash too! You will be able to feel the clean difference!

Is your home's to do list exhausting you before you start? Declutter, declutter, declutter! Ridding your home of excess "stuff" helps clear your mind, making it easier to focus on getting things in order and enjoying your living space. Recycle old newspapers and magazines. Give clothing, shoes, books, knick knacks, toys and children's clothing you no longer need or want to a friend or charity. Throw away broken toys, ruined socks and threadbare sheets.

Decluttering the home also helps to declutter the mind. The fewer things that are in your constant view, the more space your thinker has for focusing on the main things you need to accomplish in your home. Those everyday chores won't feel so overwhelming anymore, and can even help lift a mild case of the blues. And you will find you have time to start on a new project you've been anxious to do!

Start your year off with a new goal for your home, and reap the rewards by feeling better emotionally and physically! All you have to lose are the things you never wanted, and will never miss!

Josanne Anthony is a mother of 3 who enjoys working on her website, You can also visit her light-hearted blog at

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