Here are 2 tips I thought I would post on ways to clean that oven.
And who knows better than {Me} on messy ovens. I have to be the messiest woman around.
Oh I have a clean house,but while the cooking and baking is going on- Look out! oooh weee !! what a mess. So I have lots of work to do afterwards and I've learned a thing or 2 about clean ups.
These are 2 good ways that can help out.
And they are environmentally safe.
Tip 1 • 2 tablespoons liquid soap + 2 teaspoons borax + warm water, spray on, allow to sit for a while and then scrub off
Tip 2 •Pour vinegar over tough areas and leave to soak for two hours. Wipe off and rinse with warm water.
So give it a try and see how it goes and let me know what you think and how well these products did for you.