If This Happened How would you feel?

 How Would You Feel?

If you were in need. Maybe some Medical attention. Shelter, Food, warm bed, clean clothes, a bath, etc... and someone gave these things to you and helped you. Took care of all your needs. And they didn't even know you,.They were just kind to you. What if someone gave their life for you? Died for you so you could live? How would you feel?

 Would you be grateful, thankful, respectful of that person? Maybe even become friends with that person. Come to love them for what they did. (I know there are still some who wouldn't) some who think no matter what they are owed this and more. But I digress.

Then why aren't you all these things with God? The one who feeds you, clothes you, houses you, gives you your health, and so much more you don't even think about. The one who gave you life and gives you breath every day? The one who meets your needs and loves you, despite how you treat him.

How can you not love him in return? How can you not respect him and give him reverence? This is the God of the earth, the universe, the one who provides for everyone, takes care of everyone, without asking for anything in return, Except that you, Believe in Jesus, Repent of your sins and turn from them, and Confess Jesus with your mouth that he is Lord. Start living a life pleasing to him. Ask Jesus into your life. Let him lead you, guide you, and love you. Become a child of God and have eternal life. God Cares for you, He loves you. Jesus died for you. that's how much he loves you. 

Are you willing to give your life to him? He is someone you can trust. Run to him. Death is due to us for our sins but you can have eternal life by believing in Jesus, who he is, what he has done, and calling on his name. Will, you not take eternal life over eternal damnation and hell?