This is part of our fence in our front yard that is in desperate need of paint (Before pic)
This is our fence after one coat of paint, as you can see, it needs another coat. The red is still showing through.
This is part of our driveway with our big pine tree and rock wall
And this is our porch. Yes the plates on the porch are for our cats, who will not always share the food bowl so we put out old plates so they can all eat. Also the bench is wet paint so is tipped up so the cats won't mess it you can see the back still needs painted green.
Here is another pic of our stone wall & pine tree which are right beside our driveway. And in the back is our woodpile, and one of the trees that are now gone. And just beyond that , if you can see over the little knoll, are 2 dog boxes,where our dogs who have now passed lived for many years. We still miss them. One was a golden retriever and the other a minature Irish wolfhound.
So this is the only part of our yard visible for now , due to our trees being all over the rest of the yard.
Hope you enjoyed just a small view of our out doors.