Friday, October 15, 2010

Kids Craft -Scarecrow (TP Style)

Want a fun thing to do this week-end with the kids? Here is an idea that's sure to be a hit and keep the kids occupied making several for themseves,friends & even for school decorations. Make fall fun.
A Scarecrow (that is cute not scary) Using Construction paper/Paper towel roll/or a TP Roll ~This is A Really Cute Fall Decoration

Here's what you'll need...
• 1 Sheet of Construction paper ~or 1 paper towel roll ~or 1 TP roll
• Popsicle stick or actual outdoor twig
• Muffin cup
• More Construction paper
• Masking tape
• Glue
• Scissors
• Markers

Here's how you make it...
1. Using the Paper towel roll (cut in half so you have 2)  Construction paper roll into cylinder style roll and cut into 2 _or 1 TP Roll
1b Now cut 2 slits down your roll, opposite each other and about 2/3 down the roll

2. Use twig or Slide your popsicle stick into the slits. Wrap the top 1/3 of the roll with masking tape (to make the scarecrows face, and to keep the roll together).

3. Cut a strip of yellow construction paper about 5" X 11/2" big. Cut fringe at either end. Fold it to fit the top of the roll and glue on.

4. Once your Scarecrow's hair is on go ahead and draw on a face and glue on your muffin cup hat. Now you can Add a little more color by cutting out small square patches for your Scarecrow.
I saw this online and tried to duplicate it. This is what it will turn out like. (maybe yours will be better)