How To Obtain Your Fitness Goals-Tips

Your Fitness Goals
Whatever your fitness goals, I'm going to show you some tips on reaching them. Try incorporating a few into your daily routine each week and watch your health change.

  • Eat foods that are closest to their natural state as possible. Eat whole, fresh foods in a variety of color.
  • Keep a food journal. Tracking keeps you accountable and studies show that people who keep food journals are more successful at losing weight
  • Find a form of exercise you enjoy. It's easier when you do the things you enjoy.
  • Find the best fitness friend A workout chum is really helpful for staying motivated
  • Get an accountability partner for exercise and weight loss support. Exercise together, share tips and swap encouragement.
  • Add some muscle building activities to your weekly workouts. Free weights, resistance bands or using your body weight with push-ups.
  • Workout in the morning. When you get your workout in first thing, you are less likely to skip exercise.
  • Follow the 80/20 rule. Eat healthy 80 percent of the time. Indulge occasionally and sensibly.

Thanks for visiting. Be well and healthy. Love,