Monday, March 30, 2015

Countries With The worst Drivers- Top 10 List

Bad Driving and Crashes
Which countries have the worst drivers? We will list the top ten. Starting with #10.
The biggest accident factor that I have seen in the videos I have watched is, speed . What is the need for such speed?
That and coupled with stupidity and carelessness, and you have got yourself on recipe for disaster.

¿Qué países tienen los peores conductores? Vamos a enumerar los diez primeros. Comenzando con # 10.
El factor de accidente más grande que he visto en los videos que he visto es, la velocidad. ¿Cuál es la necesidad de esa velocidad?
Eso y acoplado con la estupidez y la falta de cuidado, y usted tiene usted mismo en la receta para el desastre.

  • 10. Thailand
  • 9. U.S.A.
  • 8. Iran
  • 7. Sudan
  • 6. Venezuela
  • 5. Congo
  • 4. Namibia
  • 3. China
  • 2. India
  • 1. Russia
If you want to see any car crashes or road rage videos there are a lot on youtube. It's a shame there are so many.
Thanks for stopping in and visiting us here at Countrylife4me. Be well, be blessed and drive safe. Love, Mary