Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sick Little Daphne

Visit To The New Vet's For Daphne
Daphne has been sick. We waited a few days before taking her to the vet's thinking it might just be a little cold or stiff neck, but
it didn't get any better. So we took her to Dr. Brown and he seems to think she will be okay. He believes she has a pinched nerve due to excessive pulling with her leash when walking. She is a Beagle and they are amongst the hunting dogs. He recommends that we use a harness instead of a collar for protecting her from further injury. SO I have ordered one online from Drs. Foster and Smith.

I ordered hers in rose quartz. She is a beautiful girl after all. I think she'll like it and I know it will keep her safe from any more  injuries in the future. I am hoping this is all that is wrong with her and that she will be all right now and heal quickly. The vet gave her a steroid shot to last for 3 weeks. and says she should be better in a week or possibly sooner. I really liked this vet and if all goes well with Daphne I am considering making him my new vet.
Thanks for stopping by
and  visiting me here
at countryLife4Me.

Be well, blessed, healthy and happy.
Love, Mary