I wonder what happened to the intelligence of the younger generation. Not to say that everyone younger than 30 is unintelligent, on the contrary. But they seem as it is, to be preoccupied with thoughts of anything but learning, education, and maturity. And I mean take writings, diaries, and journals. What are these kids writing about now? I like (so and so) I hate (so and so) I"m mad at (so and so) and on and on... Just look at their covers on their books. Maggie and Phil, Maggie loves Philip. Boy crazy, appearance-obsessed, and popularity seems to be all that are on their minds anymore.
Now if you read a diary of a thirteen-year-old from olden days (oh lets say Anne Frank) You'll find an interesting book (horrific as it was) with extraordinary topics and wonderful writing terms. Just writing for herself and no other eyes, her reasoning and intelligence were remarkable. These thoughts and expressions along with the fact that she used words kids don't even know today is remarkable. So what's happened to our kids?!
Just a thought I had Ysabell. That's all for now. Just wanted to write down my thoughts on a subject I've come to notice.