Friday, June 21, 2024

Dangers Of Belly Fat And Ways to Get It Off!


There are many reasons why some people gain belly fat.

Some reasons can include a poor diet, being sedentary, (A sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest risk factors for negative health) meaning little to no exercise, and stress can even play a factor in weight gain.

Having excess belly fat can affect your health negatively and could contribute to some chronic conditions.

One specific type of belly fat (called visceral fat) is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health conditions

While maintaining a moderate body weight is important for good health, the type of belly fat you store can influence your health differently. 

To many, sugary foods and drinks are a major problem. Foods such as, pastries, muffins, cereals, prepackaged foods, sugar-sweetened beverages, and baked goods.

You can help combat this by eating foods such as;

  • fruits, vegetables, legumes, oats and barley.
  • Foods with protein-foods like meat (the best is meat like turkey and chicken), fish, eggs, and dairy.
  • Fatty fish, which include tuna and salmon.
  • Foods with probiotics like yogurt, and sauerkraut.
  • Green tea is another way to tame belly fat.


Also, exercise like Aerobic exercise will play a major part in losing that stubborn belly fat. Exercises that raise your heart rate such as walking, running, biking, or swimming. This can also include doing housework, and gardening (usually, depending on what you do) should be an hour's worth of cleaning, or gardening) Other types of exercise such as strength training, and Pilates can also help you lose belly fat. Pilates is a full-body workout that improves muscle tone, flexibility and strength.