Exercise For Teens. What you should know.
Physical activity for teens. It is recommended that they get at least one hour or more of moderate to intense physical activity a day.
A good exercise guideline for teens can help them plan their activities.
Parents should encourage healthy habits and put limits on such activities like --TV, video games, cell phones, and computers--. Replacing these activities with those that require more movement.
Physical activity is essential for maintaining a
healthy body, it’s also very vital for maintaining a healthy mind.
Exercise alleviates feelings of anxiety and depression.
Your teen will feel a sense of accomplishment when reaching a
fitness goal, and can boost self-esteem, promoting a positive self-image. Exercise improves mental health,
which in turn motivates more exercise.
Exercise not only helps teens' mental health, but also releases stress, improves blood circulation, keeps weight under control, boost energy, releases tension, and improves self-image.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It has been shown (research) that the risk for heart disease starts during childhood. And a lack of physical activity is one of the risk factors for heart disease.
Some low-to-moderate activities, are:
Walking - Climbing stairs - rollerblading - and jumping rope, for as little as 30 minutes a day, can be helpful.
Suggested Reading
Fitness Friday - Exercises For Kids
Exercise Games And Activities For Kids