The One Classic Book I Would Not Recommend

                                            CATCHER IN THE RYE 

The Catcher in the Rye

The one classic book I would not recommend reading and this is why.

I believe it is one of the worst over-rated books ever written.  About a teenager with one of the worst attitudes and outlook on life I have ever seen. I would not
be able to show my face in public if I had written this book. I have never loathed a book more than this one. I guess there is an advantage to being illiterate.
It's a senseless and disturbing book with nothing but vulgar and offensive language at every turn. It just drones on and on. I have never read a book with more repetitiveness than this one. Nothing like repeating what you've said more than three times. All in one sentence as well. It is written in an unintelligible rant and has no redeeming qualities. It is a meaningless collection of words with no plot, no storyline and does not holds one's interest. The events are mind-numbing and uninteresting. All I wanted to do was jump through the pages and strangle the author.
How anyone can claim this, Classic Literature, is beyond my knowledge. You can not dub this author as a literary genius. Books go by ratings. This author and this book would be worth no more than a 2. I can't even fathom giving it that much of a rating.
I am an avid reader. From true classics like, To kill a mockingbird, Jane Eyre, and The diary of Anne Frank. This book is no classic you want hanging around your home. I don't want people even knowing I have read such trash. It's embarrassing.
I guess if you wanted to make it look like you've written more than a pamphlet, you'd write in bigger fonts, (like he did) and stretch out the pages by repeating everything you've said three times or more. How can one person drone on and on about making a phone call, or the cuteness of their sister?
And what was his endless drivel about phonies? Give it a rest. My Blood pressure went up with this one.
The book was not a compelling read. It bored me to tears. Why did I continue then you might ask? Because I was waiting to see if there was going to be anything worth my purchasing this book and because I bought the stupid thing. I'm not buying a (so-called classic) and not reading it to the end. I'm just not!
What makes this book a classic? I have no idea. It's about a high school drop out who has to much time and money on his hands and talks non-stop about girls and sex.
The author is lazy and uninspiring. He had nothing to offer the youth of the '50s
or the youth of today. He is an example you would use, as, what not to be. What not to strive for in life.
So there is why I would not recommend this book for reading. Why I would not let my child read this book, Why I don't understand how it ever became a classic.

This is a book I purchased to read. Not a review for any one company or book club. This is my opinion and nothing more.