Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday's Motivation

 Happy Monday

Are you a Monday hater? Do you dread Mondays? The hustle and bustle of all the overwhelming things that need done. All the responsibilities are in full force. The whole week lies ahead of you. Work deadlines, demanding bosses, kids homework, after school activities, (depending on where you live) the dreaded traffic, carpooling, and things like meal planning, for the entire week. Mondays can be a real challenge. 

I'm here to share some motivation to get you through the day and possibly the whole week.

We all lose motivation, now and again. Mondays provides an opportunity to set the tone for the days ahead and establish some positive habits. When you’re feeling unmotivated, try the strategies below, and get yourself back on track.

Plan Your Week on Sunday

Take some time on Sunday to prepare for Monday. List your responsibilities and organize your tasks. This will create a sense of control, therefore creating less stress.

Create a Morning Routine:

Place your mind in a positive tone. Not just for the day, but to last throughout the week. Jump on the treadmill, or bike. Read things you enjoy. Maybe some motivational quotes, the Bible, or the newspaper
(online nowadays.)
Sit out on the porch in your favorite chair or swing and think, read, pray.

Take a few breaks throughout the day:

Take intervals and schedule short breaks. This will give you the opportunity to recharge and keep you from burning out. Leave the building, take a short walk. Go to a nearby coffee shop, call a friend to see how their day is going.



Motivate yourself through the day by giving yourself a reward of some kind. Whether You've made it to a certain point in the day, you've accomplished a task, or you've handled a cranky boss. Whatever it is, reward yourself. A night out, chocolates, A movie with friends. Whatever it is, you've earned it.