Monday, June 10, 2024

Simple Living-Getting It Together

Free Cat Bed illustration and picture  

Slowing down and enjoying your life. Seems hard at times., doesn't it? I've done this now for the last five years. Taking it easy, relaxing and enjoying the days. 

I stay at home more. Cook from scratch, which gives me joy. Go out on the porch and feel the breeze and listen to the birds. Take a few photos, and just think. Sometimes thinking is hard. I mean especially when I think of my son. My heart breaks. But then, I look around and enjoy the day, for him.

I've learned to do a little less each day and not worry about the little things that need done so much. Take a walk and enjoy nature and the quiet of the day.  Free Tree Nature photo and picture

I have started exercising. Eating healthier, and taking some vitamins. All to help enjoy more of life.

 I have removed a lot of clutter in my home. Taking away a lot of stress. Having clutter in your home also clutters your mind. I even declutter my desk. This was a big issue for me as everything went on it.

I wake up early to start my day and have some time to myself. I set my alarm and get ready to start my day with some quiet time.

Take a step back from the hustle of everyday life and think about what’s important to you. What do you really want to be doing? Who do you want to spend your time with? Take a breather, relax and enjoy your day and your life.

 Free Beach Coastline photo and picture