Coffee Break - Are You Devoting Enough Time For Answers

Out on the porch early in the morning. With Coffee, The Bible, And Quiet time with God. What a  great way to start your day. 

I was thinking. Why is it that sometimes I don't seem to get a response to my prayers? Well maybe, just maybe (it always is) it's me. No time, or not enough time, spent talking with the Lord. More time is spent on other things and not enough time spent talking and communing with God. 

Have you ever wondered just why is it you're not getting a response to prayer? Well, maybe it's the lack of time (quiet time) you spend with God. Away from all the busyness and chaos of everyday life. 

If you want an answer to prayer, you need to have time with God. You need to devote some quality time alone (without distractions) with God.

You need to take some uninterrupted time and spend it in conversation (deep conversation) with the almighty. And while you talk, make sure to listen as well. Listen for God to answer. You'll find out a lot if you just listen.

How Much Time Do You Spend Each Day In Prayer?

Are you in a hurry? Do you have much to do?

Is there not much time in your life for God, for Prayer?

How do you expect to get answers for your prayers, when you are around a lot of people and have no time to yourself, no quiet time. When you're in a rush and your cell phone is right beside you. When you are focused on other things that take your time.

God desires your time. He desires your attention. Your full attention.

Is God alone, on your mind? Or are you also thinking of other things?

Go, go and find a quiet spot, a place where you can be alone with God, and pray. Not just for a minute, but as long as it takes to have an actual conversation with God.

Are you spending enough time in prayer and waiting on him, so that you may hear the Lord and hear his voice and his answer to what you are asking. Do you pray, then jump up and get busy with life again? If so, you're not taking enough time in prayer and waiting for an answer, you just might miss it. You might not be taking enough time for him to answer you..

So again I ask you, How's your prayer life?