Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thoughtful Thursdays

 Thoughtful Thursdays.


 As I sit on my porch sipping hot coffee. I think. I think about everything. My life, My family., and how my children have given my life such joy and meaning. 

 My child in Heaven who was my life , my breath, my reason for getting up in the mornings. A child with special needs

and yet, I'm the one most needy. 

How I wish I had one more day with my son. And how I'm thankful for all the time the Lord had given me with him. 

And how I'm grateful to still have my other two children with me. 

My daughter who means so much to me and how she'll do anything and everything she can to help me, encourage me, and brighten my day.

 My son who has a very kind, gentle and caring heart. Who tries to do everything he can to make me smile and laugh. My firstborn.


I look out over my yard and see a bunny, I hear the birds chirping, and spot a deer in my woods. I'm so thankful for all I have. All I have had, and yet my heart is full of grief, sadness and loneliness.  Thinking can play some mighty big tricks on your brain. Meaning, you can be filled with happiness,
and at the same time, be filled with sadness. Filled with much-needed companionship and also loneliness. Waiting with expectation for tomorrow and wishing, all in the same, that it not come (to quickly). Wanting a new start, a new beginning, and yet not wanting to leave where you are. Such confusion the mind plays on you. .

Be grateful for every day. And for everyone in your life. For the life you've been given, and for the God who made it all possible.


  1.  As quoted by Steve Maraboli - When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege if is to be alive-to breathe- to think, to enjoy, to love-then make that day count.  

  2.  And the words of - William A. Ward - "God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you?'"
  4. "We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count."
  5. - Neal A. Maxwell