Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thoughtful Thursday— Writing Out My Thoughts

Writing Out My Thoughts

 I'm sitting here. Just sitting and thinking. About the day. The past. People that I know and those who are no longer in my life.  For what reason? 

They have moved on. They no longer associate with you. Or they have passed on. This last one is the hardest one to deal with. Like my son, who left me too soon, all alone, and in sorrow so often. My best for over 40 years, deciding she no longer wanted to be friends. And family and friends leaving for a new place, and a fresh start.

So I take my journal outside. Sit in the grass and write. Write my feeling down on a piece of paper in a book, that maybe, someday, someone will come upon it, and read about the little life that I lived and wrote about. Maybe someone will wonder how my life was when I was around and how I handled all of life's dealings. My journal. My life. All in a couple of books written many years ago. Will it interest someone? Will they feel they have come to know me? This stranger they read about. Will they be glad they read about me? Will they tell someone of my life?


I miss the past sometime, but also look forward to the future and wonder, just wonder what it may hold. What will I be doing tomorrow. Next week. Next year. Will I still be here? Will I have moved on to something new? Somewhere new? (Boy, I sure hope so) I need a new start. A fresh start.  I need to be somewhere different, doing something different. Maybe something for the Lord. Maybe he can use me somewhere. Who knows.  


Maybe I'll get a cabin in the woods, go off grid, start a garden and be a homesteader. Maybe I'll just stay and wait out my days here, where I am comfortable. Where I know, the land, the area, my surroundings that give me joy. The place where I'm familiar with. The wildlife that greets me every day and night.

Oh, the beauty of the countryside. Rural living at its best. Wildlife Nature, Peace and contentment.

Suggested Reading -More Thoughtful Thursday