Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Depressurize - Ways To Stay Calm And Relaxed

Depressurize-  to relieve the tensions of; cause to relax:

Life is stressful. It's part of everyone's life. So, how do you calm down? How do you relax? How to depressurize? 

Stress is supposed to be short-lived. It will wear down your body, your health, and your energy. It also impacts your emotional intelligence and your decision-making.

  If you find yourself feeling anxious, panicked, or stressed out, then your fight or flight mode is probably being triggered, and it’s helpful to learn how to calm yourself down quickly.

Here are some tips on how to handle the stress you're in.

1. Take a deep breath. Breathe in, hold it for a few seconds and then release slowly. This will help the body to stop releasing stress hormones and start to relax. Breathing is a powerful way to regulate your emotions

2. Don't dwell on the negatives in life, focus on some positives. Spend a few moments thinking positively. In any situation, grab the positive and focus on that.

3. Calm down by going for a walk, meditating, and being grateful for everything you have. Get yourself around positive people. Spend more time with friends and family who are helpful, positive, and will lift you up 

4. Sleep is important. Make sure you are getting enough sleep to help keep you calm and relaxed. 

Listen to calming music. Put on your favorite tunes, Then sit back, close your eyes and concentrate on the rhythm. Cuddle up with your dog or cat and relax. Get cozy and enjoy the music. Let everything else fade away into the background. Get mellow and stay mellow.

6. Exercise is a great stress reliever. Physical activity of any kind, helps
release stress. Fresh air helps to clear your mind and helps you think better and feel better. Take a 10-minute timeout for a brisk walk 


Suggested Reading 

Reignite - Rewire The Way You Think

Easy Ways To Simplify And De-stress Your Life  

What To Do When You're Unmotivated