Saturday, August 31, 2024

20 Facts About Fitness and Health.


Did you know ? - 20 Fun Facts About Fitness and Health.

The Facts and The Truth. Change the way you think about your life, your lifestyle and your fitness. Get fit, stay healthy and live life to the fullest. Check out our list below and see if

you know any of these facts or if they are news to you. Enjoy the read.

  1. Muscle glycogen is about 3 parts water to 1 part glucose. This can add water weight at the beginning of strength training
  2. Trying to be perfect with your diet? This will set you up for failure. Strive to make progress by creating healthy eating habits.
  3. Muscle does not weigh more than fat – it’s just denser.
  4. Workout intensity is positively correlated with the after-burn effect. Boost your intensity if you want to burn more fat.
  5. Only fat and protein are essential macro-nutrients – carbohydrates aren’t
  6. 4  calories per gram for Carbohydrates, 4 calories per gram for protein, 9 calories per gram for fat, and 7 calories per gram for alcohol
  7. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Muscle tissue eats fat at all hours of the day.

  8. You don’t need to do cardio to lose weight. You only need a calorie deficit.
  9. Weight loss is not a physical challenge – it’s a mental one.
  10. You can eat anything you want and still lose weight – but weight doesn’t always equal fat. It could mean muscular.
  11. Eating healthy is not more expensive than a junk food diet,
  12. Just because a box says “whole grain” on it, it doesn’t actually make it healthy.
  13. You can lose weight and still gain muscle; likewise, you can also gain weight while still losing fat
  14. Cooking your food can lower some nutrient content
  15. Once an adult, fat cells can be created, but they cannot be lost
  16. Thyroid hormone output and exercise intensity are positively correlated.
  17. The body has 3 energy systems – anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic
  18. Dehydrating a muscle by 3% can cause a 10% loss of strength. You should always drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  19. Exercise reduces aches and pains - it reduces stiffness in your muscles. It helps strengthen your bones .
  20. Exercise reverses stress symptoms.

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