Sunday, August 25, 2024

Tips For A Healthier You

Tips For A Healthier You

Eating better, means a healthier you.

Choose the right foods that will give you energy, help you lose weight, and make you feel better overall.

You are more likely to be healthier by sticking to a plan

At the beginning of each week, make a plan. One that keeps you on track. A plan of your meals for the week. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and a small healthy snack of some kind. One that will help you stay on track.

 It is suggested that you eat clean, whole foods 90 percent of the time.

 Here are some Tips, For A Healthier You. 

  • Make more of your meals high fiber
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables 
  • Make sure you are active and are at a healthy weight.
  • Don't let your body get thirsty. Get plenty to drink
  • Eat more fish, with part of it being omega 3 fatty fish
  • Keep healthy snacks around.
  • Include calcium-rich foods in your diet
  • Cut back on the amount of saturated fats and sugar you consume
  • Eat less salt. Most of us are consuming much more sodium than we need

  • Make sure to a
    void processed and refined foods as much as possible.  This is an effective way to lose weight, and it also helps you to feel better.
  • Eat lean protein, such as, chicken, fish, turkey
  • And watch those portion sizes. Eat smaller portions, One way to help do this, is to use a smaller plate. 
  •  You will want to try and eat foods that are high in nutrients, like your protein, mentioned above.  Fiber, which helps you to feel fuller faster, and you should be eating healthy fats. Such foods include vegetables, fruits, both nuts and seeds, along with beans, and eggs.


Suggested Reading 

  1.  Sunday Dinner- Homemade Fettuccine Alfredo
  2. Fitness Friday- Exercise And You

  3. Depressurize - Ways To Stay Calm And Relaxed