Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Most Effective Exercises For Those With Bad Knees

 The Most Effective Exercises When Dealing With Bad Knees

If you have bad knees, you know how difficult it is to do certain exercises. So I have listed some of the most effective exercises you can do without hurting, or harming your knees. There are many ways to get a good cardio workout without causing additional pain or damage to your knees.

 The best exercises you can do if you have bad knees and/or knee pain include stretching, strength training, and low-impact workouts. Workouts like cycling, swimming, the elliptical machine, rowing machine, and calisthenics. 

 Body weight exercises  are another option, and consist of sit-ups, pull-ups and push-ups. These are a great way to build strength and flexibility without doing damage to your knees.

 Exercises you should avoid when you have bad or painful knees are  things like jarring exercises, which would include things, such as running, jumping, and kicking movements (kickboxing) Also avoid doing exercises such as lunges and deep squats that put too much stress on the knees. These can worsen pain and, if not done correctly, cause injury.

Whatever you do. Don't overwork your knees. Give them rest. Don’t excessively bend the knees. Do not work through any pain. Stop immediately.

Joints in our bodies, which include your knees, need lubrication to  be able to function well. This requires water (drinking and water exercises) and movement. 

Did you know that, Sugary foods like, candy, soda pop, and baked goods can cause inflammation making knee pain worse? These foods contain high levels of refined carbohydrates, which is said to spike blood sugar, increased insulin production, and also causes inflammation.

 Physical symptoms of a deficiency (like vitamin D) may include muscle pain in the joints) pain, which can occur in the knees, legs, and  even the hips. Some supplements for knee and joint pain, include :

 Suggested Reading

 Tips For A Healthier You

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