Rewire the way you think
It's a morning like no other. Monday. Right after the weekend and all the fun you've just had. Now it's back to the grind stone.UGG!! REIGNITE!
Do you ever wake up on a
Monday morning feeling groggy, tired, or even uninspired? Well, the
good news (if you can call it that) is you’re not alone. Many, people, wake up on Monday mornings feeling the same way as you do. And there are
a number of ways you can fix that.
What are some ways you can start your Monday mornings on a positive note
One way is to always prepare everything the Night Before. To make sure your Monday starts out smoothly, take some time the night before to prepare for the following day. If Sunday isn't used to organize yourself, Mondays can be a very stressful, unmanageable and unbearable time. And being unprepared can lead to a whole week of being unmotivated and being a very stressful week.
Starting the week with a positive attitude can help you feel more motivated and productive.
Adjusting your sleep
schedule, and switching from leisure activities to work tasks, is always hard. But by mentally
preparing for the week's responsibilities, you're already one up on the game. Get your rest. Feeling rested and refreshed will help to motivate you for the day.
Start moving as soon as you wake up.
Lift those blinds. Pull back those curtains and start letting some natural daylight in., waking you up and getting you motivated. Do something to give yourself energy, like taking a little walk. Or maybe walking your best friend (a dog)if you have one. Or just walking around the house some. Take a brisk walk around the block. This helps to clear your mind and energies you.
How To Rewire?
Spending time in nature is another method of rewiring your brain and mood– If going outside first thing on Monday is not an option, then how about during your lunch hour? This can make a significant difference to how you look at the beginning of the week.
Doing Something You Love
it’s a good long workout, some happy hour time with friends, a walk
during your lunch break, or even some much-needed quiet time to relax
and read, sip on some coffee while listening to your favorite music. Get
into the "Groove" and get up and do a little dance. You can even plan
your weekend now, to get yourself looking forward to another great time
with friends, or time by yourself out on the lake fishing.
But whatever you do, reserving some “you time” will save you from viewing Monday as the all dreadful and horrible day.
Suggested Reading
What to do when you're unmotivated
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