When's the best time to post on social media? What are some of the dos and don'ts' ?
For the most part, mid-mornings on weekdays are some of the best times for posting on most social networks..
What are some of the dos and don'ts for social media posting?
I have three lists to explain some of the most important things that you should and shouldn't do, along with times and days., for some of the most popular social networks. Remember, always plan and schedule.
The first list is for the social media Donts - the second for social media Dos and - the 3rd for the times and days of most popular social media networks.
Here are 5 Don'ts for social media.
1. Personal Conversations. -- Did you know that, Taking a screenshot of a private conversation between you and another person without that person's consent can be illegal and also posting a private conversation between you and that person to a third party can get you sued for breach of privacy
2. inappropriate Photos or Videos -- common sense tells you this is inappropriate, by anyone's standard.
3. Financial Status -- this is really no one's business, unless it is the person themselves posting it.
4. Relationship Issues - This is a private matter, and sharing information online can do more harm to romantic relationships than good.
5. Personal Contact Information -- If someone were to put your name and phone number on social media without your consent, that kind of exposure could be considered an invasion of your privacy
The 5 Dos of social media... Engage with your readers
1. Make relationships -- put yourself out there and respond, invite dialog, and let people know you value them and their opinion.
2. Be consistent -- Consistent posting keeps your profile in the limelight, ensuring your content remains visible
3. Interact with your followers -- Hold contest, engage with your followers, ask for responses.
4. Be entertaining and informative - includes, memes, GIFs, stories, videos and more.
5. Good Behavior -- Respect the privacy of others, - be considerate of others' opinions and feelings,
Here are 5 social networks times and days that are best

For higher engagement is in the morning (8 AM to 10 AM) and evening (6 PM to 9 PM) on weekdays and early afternoon to evening (11 AM to 5 PM) on weekends
2. For Instagram - The best time to post is usually between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. on weekdays. It was analyzed and found for 5 million + Instagram posts, they were shared at these times and received the most engagement
3. YouTube The best time to post is on Friday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. — it was found that videos shared within those time frames tended to get the highest number of views. Other days of the week are Tuesdays, and Thursdays
4. LinkedIn - The Best Times to Post Content here are: Between 9 am to 12 and 3-6 pm. And Mondays, Wednesdays and Tuesdays are the best days to add content.
5. Pinterest - 3 best days and times to post are Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays. The best hours for 2024 are 12:00, 6:00, and 8:00 PM