Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thoughtful Thursday -What Might I Be Thinking?

 What Might I Be Thinking?

Well, It's Thursday, and you know what that means. I've been thinking. 

Thinking - Where can it lead? 

Random thoughts usually come from your memory, unconscious parts of certain phrases, or images we have seen and, actions and ideas that give us our dreams, hopes, and wishes. 

Sitting on the porch. For me leads to thinking. Thoughts about family, friends, past and present. Those who have passed on. Thoughts about life, death, health and wellness.  So I grab my pens and my Journal and start writing down all my thoughts. This one will be really different.

Sometimes you can think about random things, like, what's in the woods in the dark?  What lurks behind that tree? Or who? What's going through your neighbor's mind? Who came up with all the names? You know, of the animals, the plants, and the planets?

Where did all the crazy people come from?  And why do people choose to live where they do? Why do they marry who they marry? Why do people work where they currently are?  What makes a person tick?

What would it be like to fly?  I mean with wings. What would it be like to hold your breath for longer than 30 seconds?  And why do you think of the silliest things when you're alone and bored? Taking a break from your daily chores and responsibilities can lead you to daydreams. 

What is it I would like to change? What can I do differently? Is there somewhere I'd like to go? Yes, Africa, Italy, Japan. 

What would happen to me if I went blind? Deaf? Or, God forbid, become any shorter than I am right now. No one would be able to find me! Gasp!

Why did God pick the colors he did for the grass, the trees, or the sky? Why did he give so many colors to the birds, and the flowers, and we're limited? Why are there only 4 main colors for hair (other than gray) there is black, brown, red and blonde. Unless you dye your hair.

Sitting here on my porch is the best place for thinking. And it is so nice. Seeing the birds, flowers, wildlife (I live in the country) Rarely a car goes by, so it is peaceful. I wonder what people on the other side of the world are doing? Eating? Watching? Thinking? Planning?

What are you thinking right now about what I've been thinking? Did you make it this far down the page? 

 Most people, I believe, have scattered thoughts. They have questions, memories, needs, likes, dislikes, thinking about their plans, what their wishes, are and just some wandering thoughts, along with some new ideas, and their desires. You know, things like that.

If today was my last day on earth, how would I want to spend it?
What does happiness mean to me?
Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond, or a small fish in a big pond? I think the latter.

Suggested Reading

Thoughtful Thursday— Writing Out My Thoughts

Thoughtful Thursdays -What's On My Mind

A Quiet Place - Do You Hear Him?