What's Special About Sunday?
Sunday is a day to relax, reflect, and recharge. Take a break from the chaos and find peace in the simple things.” – Unknown
Sunday, a day to relax and recharge. After a hard work week, a busy weekend with family and friends, this is the time to kick back, relax and enjoy some quiet time. You time. Alone time. (Or with someone you love)
you ever just wake up, whenever you wanted too? Take your time getting
out of bed? Walking around the house with your P.J's on, doing nothing?
Well, Sunday is that perfect day to do just that.
Sunday is the perfect day to do nothing and let your soul catch up with your body.” – Unknown
Sunday is the day to explore and embrace the beauty of nature. Take a walk,
Breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life, that surround you and wake you to what's beautiful. Just to reflect on what has been going on in your life. What it is you want to do with your life. Where you've been or where you want to go.So sit back, kick off your shoes and do nothing. Nothing but think, read, go for a walk, and relax. Spend time reading the word of God. Connect with nature.
I woke up at 5:45 A.M. this morning. Read the Bible, said a prayer, fed my cats, and grabbed my coffee. I enjoy getting up early to have some peace and quiet. Some time alone. Doing what I like to do. Doing what makes my soul happy.
What do you do in the mornings? How do you relax, unwind, and enjoy the start of your day? What plans do you make for the week? I plan out my week with, meal planning, scheduling what housework will need done, who I'm going to meet and when. What posts I'm going to try and get out for the week, and what social media platforms I will visit.
I will balance my calendar, read a book, do a puzzle. You do know puzzles are a great relaxation tool? Also helps with the mind. They're fun and relaxing. Take some photos. Keep a memory book. Climb in the spa and do some water aerobics. Stretch out some of that tension. Release anxiety.
Sundays are a great day. Cook up a new recipe to try, and enjoy some new cuisine. I plan on making some bread machine sourdough bread for the day. I might even make 2 loaves. I have started using sourdough for the first time about a month or so ago. I am trying new things, exploring the "unknown" if you will.
What are you trying new? What are you exploring? So what are some things
Make Sundays special. Plan something special. Whatever you do, enjoy yourself, your day, your life, to the fullest.
Life is short. Enjoy every minute of it. And be blessed.
Suggested Reading
Thoughtful Thursdays - Writing Out My Thoughts
Depressurize - Ways To Stay Calm And Relaxed