Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thoughtful Thursdays - What is people's obsession?

It's Thursday. I've been thinking, again.

Thoughtful Thursdays - What's On My Mind

Okay, so I've been thinking about all kinds of things. Like, for instance, 

 Well, read the list below to see what I've been thinking.

  1. Why, why for the love of Pete, do we burp? Where does the gas come from? How do we prevent it? Can we prevent it? 
  2. Why do we hiccup? What is it? Where does it come from? Is that not the most annoying thing you can do, or what?
  3. Why do my cats go into such a deep sleep that they fall off of where they were laying? (Mine always lay somewhere high) so when they fall, they get hurt.
  4. What causes someone to lose their mind? (and believe me, there are a lot of those out there) I'd really like to help them find it. It would solve a lot of problems.
  5. What in the world caused God to create a monkey. They're (90%) of them are wicked. Have you watched what a monkey will do?
  6. Why in the world do things like ticks, fleas, and leaches exist? Blood sucking mongrels. 
  7. What is people's obsession with the moon? Who cares what's up there. I'd rather be planted on earth, where if we lose gravity, you'll fall right off, and plummet to your death.
  8. Why are some people left-handed? Is that not odd? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against left-handed people (my 2 sons are, and so is my mother and mother-in-law) But to me, it's still strange.
  9. Why do we say (cheerfully, I might add) hello when answering a phone? Why not What!! What do you want? I'm busy, not in the mood, or who cares.
  10. What is the difference between, upset, mad, angry, and furious? Aren't they all the same? You're mad.
  11. And don't get me started on people who are always ending a sentence with, You Know? If I know, why are you telling me, and if I don't know and that is why you're telling me, then no, I don't know.
  12. Why are there so many different races? If we were all the same in the beginning, then how did we become this, crayon people? So may colors in one box. Or so many colors on one planet. I mean, where did all that come from? Why so many shades, and so many languages?

Suggested Reading

Thoughtful Thursday -What Might I Be Thinking?

Thoughtful Thursday— Writing Out My Thoughts