Sunday, July 21, 2024

Creative Ways To Be Productive In Your Home

How To Be Productive In Your Home

When it comes to working from home, being productive can be a challenge.

 From gardening, windows, and animals, all the way to house chores, There are a lot of distractions that can cause problems for your productivity.


  In this post, I will give you a few tips to help you build, and stick to, a routine that will increase your productivity in your home. When your animals need attention or your laundry needs to be done, how do you stay efficient?

   Discipline is a vital part of remaining productive while working from home. A goal of setting boundaries is a good way to maintain a strict approach when you are working.
Setting boundaries for those around you, whether it is your child, a neighbor, friend, or any other distractions, will help keep you focused on goals and tasks and be more productive. Make sure to communicate with others, that working hours, for you, is a serious time that requires your utmost attention.

To help you with getting those tasks done, I've put together some tips to promote your productivity and efficiency.

Making a Morning Routine

An effective morning routine should energize and inspire you. While everyone’s morning routine can be quite different, I would like to suggest you try the list below:

  •  It's tempting to get up and decide to stay in your pajamas, but getting dressed every day, is a simple way to boost your productivity level and even your mood. Your appearance helps set the tone for a professional, productive day
  • Fitting in a workout such as yoga, biking, or floor exercises (like leg lifts or squats) I use weights and the treadmill along with the gazelle.
  • Making a healthy breakfast which could include eggs, yogurt or oatmeal with fruit. I eat overnight oats. They're quick.
  • Try journaling to reduce stress, letting it all out on paper.

You can also enlist a partner such as a friend or family member to ensure you stick to your routine. Someone to hold you accountable.

 Organize tasks

We all have our personal to-do lists. But workplace to-do lists are also a great way to get organized.

When it comes to staying productive, writing down your objectives for the day can help prioritize your tasks. If you don’t use a workplace to-do list, try the following.

  1. Accumulate your tasks for the week. List all of your work to be done in one place.

    2. Distinguish which tasks need to be completed first. These are your most important tasks. When you know your priorities, you can effectively organize your to-do list.

    3. Prioritize the tasks. Whether you do them first thing in the morning or save them for the afternoon, make sure you have a visual on the tasks that need to get done.

    4. Check off each task you have done. Checking off your to-do lists will give you a clear, organized view of what you’ve done for the day and what might still need to be done. Try to get everything done, starting with the most important items on the list first.  

    .5. Go For The Two - Three Minute Rule for Small Task---- Don't squander your time deciding if you should do the small tasks on your list that seem to keep popping up on you. Instead, if they are minute tasks, just complete them. Use little sticky pads to emphasize which tasks are minute tasks. Try doing several minute tasks at once.

    6. Group Similar Tasks That Are Comparative In Nature

    Assemble all the tasks that are comparative in nature. This will make your work process go seemingly more smooth and will help you utilize your time. 

    7. Work in short bursts. This is where you will work in 15-25 minute sessions. And if needed, take a 5-7 minute break in between. This should help motivate you to complete your tasks in a short amount of time.

     Suggested reading 

    How To Overcome Life's Challenges

    Monday's Motivation

    Reignite - Rewire The Way You Think

    Depressurize - Ways To Stay Calm And Relaxed