Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Get It Together- Decluttering And Organizing Tips

 Feeling overwhelmed? Feel like you're in a chaotic mess? Need help with where to start? Here are tips for helping you declutter and get organized, and stay that way.

When things are cluttered, it can leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It's hard to focus on important tasks when many different things compete for your attention. Clutter makes it more difficult to relax, both physical and with our mental state. Clutter constantly signals to our brains and tells us that our work is never done. 

If it gets to be too much, it can interfere with your ability to function effectively, Your daily life becomes disrupted, out of sorts and chaotic. So what do you do? Organizing can help take away that brain clutter feeling. It can help you feel less stressed and overwhelmed. Getting your life back, with doing just a few minor things, is key. We can help. We have ways to help you get your life back on track, and decluttered. Note-If you try to organize without removing any of the excess, you’re going to just end up moving the same junk around without making any difference what-so-ever.

  • Take it one step at a time. Whether it is a room, or tackling a single task, you need to start. If it's just cleaning out a drawer, picking up trash to throw away, or tackling a whole room. Set your mind to it and do it. Set a timer if it's a large area, to give yourself a break in between, so as not to be too overwhelmed. Take an entire day to finish the job if you need it. Set your goal and complete it. Never take on too much that will stress you out and make you not want to complete the task, or do another one. Your goal is to get all the tasks done that need your attention.
  • Sort everything into piles. You will need a pile for giving away (to family and friends)/donating, one for selling, consignment/garage sale, and one for keeping. And with the keep pile, these are things that are necessary, and things that are your memories.
  • Next - make sure you know where items that you have saved will go. You shouldn't throw things around just anywhere. Have a designated spot for like items to go. Make sure you invest in, such things as, hooks, catch-all trays, and bench storage so that everything (from wallet, to keys to purse, to shoes) has a place. 

  • Let's talk about your
    pantry. Start with a clean slate. Take everything out. Wipe it down. (Clean it up) and getting rid of any expired items, Any unwanted items can be tossed, composted or donated (Like a food bank). Don't forget to group similar items together by type—snacks, pastas and grains.
    Once you have grouped everything together, you can also store items according to use.  Things you use every day should be stored at arm's reach, while less used items can be placed in the back of shelves or put away on a higher shelf.

  • Unorganized, filled wall to wall with unwanted, unused closet clutter? Choose clothes, shoes, purses, that you actually wear and that fit. If it doesn't fit, if you haven't ever worn it, or if you no longer want an item, you can do a few things. Toss it, (If it's a little raggedy) give it (to family, friends, or neighbors) or donate. (Think goodwill) You could even place in a consignment shop or put at a garage/yard sale.