New Beginnings - A New Season
Fall is just around the corner, and I've decided to make some changes in my life. Leaving the old and moving forward with the new. I'm going to focus my blog on particular posts. Which means that I will be writing about things within a certain genre, which will be about family and our lives, what is going on, what we are up to. Also, postings which will include a little photography, and health related posts. I will be writing about :
- Health and Wellness
- Fitness and Exercise
- Home Remedies and Pain Relief,
- Articles on Healthy Eating, including Vegetarian Recipes for a healthier lifestyle
- Plus Family and Life Happenings -What we are doing, what is going on, that sort of thing.
- Some Photography- Photos I or my daughter have taken and want to share - We love doing this and love to share our photos with all of you.
- Reviews, reviews will be minimal and will usually include book reviews and household items. Rare things such ad E-Bikes and fire pits.
I will also post odds and ends, and some days will be a (Free for all) like thoughtful Thursdays, as I like writing down my thoughts now and again. I will still do some reviews, but they will be on things that I have mentioned above. From books, to exercise equipment that I have tried, and home remedies that have worked for me.
I am changing, and therefore my posts will be changing. My interest and
lifestyle are going in a different direction, therefore so goes my blog
in the same direction. As far as my photography, it will still exist in
the photos I take that I will be using for some of my posts I make.
I hope you will still frequent me here and enjoy the posts I make. Maybe
take away with you some helpful information, lessons learned, or a
healthy recipe to try. For the upcoming year, I'm making a change for myself
and my blog, with every turn ahead a new beginning.
Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. I hope you will be well healthy, and blessed.